Be A Light, Payton Grady Memorial Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is awarded in memory of Payton Grady to a Frankfort High School graduate that meets the following criteria: a minimum unweighted GPA of 3.5, acceptance into a 2 or 4-year college program in the healthcare field, and exhibit qualities such as were exemplified by Payton (kindness, selflessness, and leadership in accepting and including others).

Karl V. Kahl & Haseleah Kahl Scholarship Fund

This Scholarship is awarded to a student pursing a degree from an accredited community college, four-year college/university, or trade school who has overcome physical, financial, and/or learning impairments but has demonstrated a strong work ethic and a commitment to learning such that there is a reasonable likelihood of success. This scholarship is awarded to current high school graduates of public, private, & homeschool in Allegany, Garrett, or Mineral Counties.

Saiquan Jenkins Memorial Scholarship

This fund provides scholarships to football players graduating from FHHS. Scholarship recipients must be members of the FHHS football team for a minimum of two years, have a G.P.A. of 3.0+, and plan to enroll in a 2 or 4-year college program or trade/technical school. Recipients must exhibit qualities of kindness, courage, and hard work such that there is a reasonable likelihood of the student completing higher education. The recipient may not have any disciplinary action taken against them on their academic record.