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- Vibrant Communities & Thriving Environment
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- Allegany County
- Garrett County
- Mineral County
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Alexi Don Fratz-Orr was born in 1997, the daughter of Rich Orr & Julie Fratz-Orr of Oakland, Md. At the age of ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduating female seniors who excel ...
This scholarship is awarded in memory of Payton Grady to a Frankfort High School graduate that meets the following criteria: a minimum unweighted GPA of 3.5, acceptance into a 2 or 4-year college program in the healthcare field, and exhibit qualities such as were exemplified by Payton (kindness, selflessness, and leadership in accepting and including others).
This Scholarship is awarded to one student graduating from a public, private, or homeschool in either Allegany or ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing an ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates with at least a 3.8 GPA ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who have excelled in ...
This fund provides scholarships to Mountain Ridge High School graduating seniors who are pursuing an undergraduate ...
This scholarship is for high school, college, or university students up to 25 years of age who are participating ...
This fund provides scholarships to Mountain Ridge High School graduating senior athletes, with the following ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to the best male and female FHHS senior ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who have at least a B ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates with a G.P.A. of at least ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who have had good ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are members of the ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
In the fall of 2012, the family of the late Frank H. Eberly Jr. partnered with the Masonic Lodge community of ...
George B. Humberson was born June 10, 1901 near Friendsville, Maryland. He was the last child of George and Martha ...
The Guidance Counselor’s Memorial Scholarship was established in the memory of Virgil Hull and his wife Josephine ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who have earned a 3.0+ GPA.
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to baseball players graduating from FHHS ...
This scholarship is awarded in memory of Jack Tasker to one student graduating from Keyser High School that plans ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates. Awards are given to ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
John Shelton became the basketball coach at Keyser High School in 1940 and remained as a coach, vice principal and ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are attending ...
This Scholarship is awarded to a student pursing a degree from an accredited community college, four-year college/university, or trade school who has overcome physical, financial, and/or learning impairments but has demonstrated a strong work ethic and a commitment to learning such that there is a reasonable likelihood of success. This scholarship is awarded to current high school graduates of public, private, & homeschool in Allegany, Garrett, or Mineral Counties.
This scholarship is awarded annually to one male and one female in memory of Katie DeRosa & in honor of Molly Offstein to qualified seniors in Allegany County (MD), Garrett County (MD), Hampshire County (WV), or Mineral County (WV) who meet criteria below.
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who have at least a B ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher ...
Don & Liz Morin established the Northern High School Athletes scholarship fund to encourage and support NHS ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing a 4-year ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing a degree ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing a ...
This fund provides scholarships to Allegany High School graduating athletes who meet specific criteria. Students ...
This fund provides scholarships to football players graduating from FHHS. Scholarship recipients must be members of the FHHS football team for a minimum of two years, have a G.P.A. of 3.0+, and plan to enroll in a 2 or 4-year college program or trade/technical school. Recipients must exhibit qualities of kindness, courage, and hard work such that there is a reasonable likelihood of the student completing higher education. The recipient may not have any disciplinary action taken against them on their academic record.
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who have participated in ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS female graduates who plan to major ...
This fund provides scholarships to students in Allegany County pursuing further education or certification in a ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who were members of the ...
This fund provides scholarships to high school, college, or university students up to 25 years of age who are ...
This fund provides scholarships to Mountain Ridge High School graduating seniors who display good moral character, ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates, one male and one female ...
This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing ...