Alexi Don Fratz-Orr was born in 1997, the daughter of Rich Orr & Julie Fratz-Orr of Oakland, Md. At the age of 2, Alexi (Lexi) suffered a near-drowning accident which caused a Traumatic Brain Injury from lack of oxygen to the brain.
Lexi, her family, nurses, therapists, caregivers, and our generous community were committed to Lexi’s recovery. For the next (7) years she and her support group of family & caregivers traveled from Pennsylvania to Florida visiting specialized therapists. Most trips involved overnight stays up to a month at a time. The dozens of nurses, doctors, and therapists that worked with Lexi made an impression on her family, especially her youngest brothers Derek & Nick that traveled a good bit with their sister. Sadly, Lexi passed away in July of 2007, at just 9 years old.
Inspired by Lexi’s nurses & caregivers her brother Derek and Fiancé’ Justine, enrolled in the Garrett College/ Allegheny Nursing Program in 2011 where they both became RNs, advancing with bachelor’s in nursing through Frostburg State, Justine became a Nurse Practitioner in 2021 and Derek became a CRNA, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist in 2022.
Motivated by Derek’s and Justine’s nursing accomplishments & their family’s support, Rich & Julie set out to achieve their goal of establishing a Nursing Scholarship in memory of their daughter. The “Alexi Don Fratz-Orr Memorial Nursing Scholarship” was created at The Community Trust Foundation and a second scholarship at Garrett College where her brother graduated with his RN Degree. “It is Rich and Julie’s dream to help other young adults who are pursuing a nursing career with this Scholarship”
The Alexi Don Fratz-Orr Memorial Nursing Scholarship is awarded to current high school graduates of public, private, or homeschool in Allegany, Garrett, or Mineral Counties that plans to attend one of the local colleges (Garrett College, Allegany College of Maryland, Frostburg State University, Potomac State College, or WVU) for nursing.