Community Trust Foundation


Community Trust Foundation administers a variety of scholarships that have been established by generous individuals to assist students with their educational pursuits. Whether honoring loved ones or providing for a specific field of study, each scholarship expresses a deep belief in the power of education to help young people achieve their dreams.  You can contribute to these scholarships by selecting a scholarship below.

In addition to school specific scholarships, CTF administers five Community Scholarships that are open to all seniors in CTF’s geographical service area. These scholarships are offered to public, private, and homeschool seniors that meet the criteria for the given scholarship.  Search scholarships by school below.

Students who wish to apply for one of the scholarships listed below should contact their high school guidance office.

Your Donations in Action

“Education and supporting our youth is the best way to invest in a prosperous future.”

~ John Adriance

2024 Scholarship Awardees

Fort Hill Scholarship Fund Recipients

Community Trust Foundation

Donate to a Fund

Alexi Don Fratz-Orr Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Alexi Don Fratz-Orr was born in 1997, the daughter of Rich Orr & Julie Fratz-Orr of Oakland, Md. At the age of 2, Alexi (Lexi) suffered a near-drowning accident which...

Alyssia M. Cage Memorial Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduating female seniors who excel in science and are pursuing higher education at Allegany College of Maryland or...

Be A Light, Payton Grady Memorial Scholarship Fund

Payton Lynn Grady came into this world on March 8, 2004 and instantly stole the hearts of her family. Her father was so excited to take her to the nursery...

Bertram A. Thiel Mathematics and Natural Sciences Scholarship Fund

This Scholarship is awarded to one student graduating from a public, private, or homeschool in either Allegany or Garrett Counties with a 3.5 GPA or better. The student must be...

Bob Hidey Memorial Scholarship

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher education....

Carl Ritchie Endowed Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing an undergraduate degree in the field of business....

Colleen Burke Memorial Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher education....

Deborah Ann Roberson Boggs, Class of 1971

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates with at least a 3.8 GPA and who are pursuing higher education in a medical or science...

Dennis F. Abe Sr. Estate Endowed Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who have excelled in mathematics, English, and athletics. Must have 90% or better attendance, a GPA of...

Dick Ryan Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships to Mountain Ridge High School graduating seniors who are pursuing an undergraduate degree in engineering, basic sciences, or mathematics....

Dr. Harry & Mrs. Flo Boggs Study Abroad Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is for high school, college, or university students up to 25 years of age who are participating in an academic study abroad program or school sponsored travel to...

Enordo “Moose” Arnone Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships to Mountain Ridge High School graduating senior athletes, with the following criteria: must attend a 4-year institution, must play a collegiate sport, must have a 3.0...

F Club Charles H. Lattimer Endowed Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to the best male and female FHHS senior athletes who are pursuing higher education....

FHSF Van Gaus Memorial Scholarship

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher education....

Forest “Sonny” Morris Memorial Medical Scholarship

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who have at least a B average and pursuing higher education in nursing or another medical field...

Fort Hill Class of 1970

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates with a G.P.A. of at least 2.75, and a 90% or better attendance record. The recipient must...

Fort Hill High School Class of 1956 Rice Endowed Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who have had good attendance, achieved a high GPA, and exhibited qualities of leadership, responsibility, and community...

Fort Hill High School Class of 1958 Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher education....

Fort Hill High School Class of 1960 Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher education....

Fort Hill High School Class of 1968 (Fred McMillan) Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are members of the football or track & field teams, have a GPA of 3.0+, and...

Fort Hill High School Class of 1969 Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher education....

Fort Hill High School Class of 1971 Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher education....

Fort Hill High School Class of 1974 Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher education....

Fort Hill High School Class of 1977 Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships through the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund to FHHS graduates who are pursuing higher education....

To donate to the Fort Hill Scholarship Fund, click here.

Award Announcement & Payment

Students who wish to apply for one of the scholarships listed above should contact their high school guidance office.

Students will be notified of their award by their respective school.  If you are awarded a scholarship, you will be provided instructions via mail to sign a scholarship agreement and provide verification of college enrollment. Once we receive the required signatures and documentation, we schedule payment directly to the school of your choice.

For more information call 1-301-876-9172 or ctf@ctfinc.org

Students Claiming Awarded Scholarship

Instructions for claiming award are as follows:

Return Scholarship Agreement Form, along with college acceptance letter, class schedule, and semester bill. The fastest and easiest way is to email to ctf@ctfinc.org. Please make sure you are submitting documents that are legible, preferably pdf documents. Make sure your name, Student ID, and the name of College you are attending are visible on documents. When you are logged into your student portal, you should be able to download a pdf of your bill and class schedule.

A copy of the thank you letter you sent to the scholarship donor, listed on your scholarship agreement form, should also be included in the documents you send to CTF.

Once CTF receives the required documents, funds will directly be sent to the university/college you are attending.

You must notify CTF in writing if you are unable to complete a semester, or withdraw from school. Indicate the reasons for the incompletion, or withdrawal, as well as your academic plans.

The award could be rescinded in any of the following circumstances:

• You no longer meet the scholarship qualifications.

• You are placed on academic and/or disciplinary probation.

• Does not enroll full-time in a program of study for the semester/quarter in which the award is to be in effect.

Awards must be claimed by Sept 15, 2025. If you do not have plans to claim your scholarship award you must notify CTF in writing, by mail or email ctf@ctfinc.org.

School Counselors

All applications for CTF administered scholarships must be submitted through your office.  Find the process and documents you may need below.

Application Process

School Specific Scholarship Process

  1. Counselor completes & returns the scholarship selection committee roster form & annual forms (Confidentiality Form & Conflict of Interest Form) to CTF.
  2. CTF provides a digital copy of the application for each scholarship that applies to your school & county.
  3. Counselors provide & promote applications to students.
  4. High School committee meets and makes selections.
  5. Counselor emails one application, the selected recipient, to CTF at ctf@ctfinc.org.
    1. CTF School Specific Scholarships- due to CTF by April 15th.
  6. Counselor emails the selected recipient’s senior picture to ctf@ctfinc.org.
  7. Counselor informs CTF of date, time, & location of award presentations.
  8. CTF provides names to Counselors of CTF presenters.

**Multi-County Community Scholarship Process**

  1. Counselor completes & returns the scholarship selection committee roster form & annual forms (Confidentiality Form & Conflict of Interest Form) to CTF.
  2. CTF provides a digital copy of the application for each scholarship that applies to your school & county.
  3. Counselors provide & promote applications to students.
  4. High School committee meets and makes selections.
  5. Counselor emails one application, the selected recipient, to CTF at ctf@ctfinc.org.
    1. Community Scholarships – due to CTF by April 1st
  6. CTF informs counselor of community scholarship winner.
  7. Counselor emails the selected recipient’s senior picture to ctf@ctfinc.org.
  8. Counselor informs CTF of date, time, & location of award presentations.
  9. CTF provides names to Counselors of CTF presenters.

Annual Check List

–  Update Selection Committee Roster Form(s) for each scholarship and return to CTF.

–  Sign Confidentiality Statement & Conflict of Interest forms for each committee member and return them to CTF.

–  Make one selection per scholarship and provide CTF with their application.
     –  School Specific Scholarships – Due to CTF by April 15th
     –  Community Scholarships – Due to CTF by April 1st

–  Email senior picture of selected recipient for school specific scholarships.

–  Inform CTF of date, time, & location of Graduation/ Awards Ceremony.

Resource Documents

Scholarship Process & Checklist →
– Gives a breakdown of school specific scholarships and the community scholarships offered through CTF
– Provides Checklist for School Counselors of what CTF requires

PowerPoint of CTF Scholarships →
– Gives a breakdown of school specific scholarships and the community scholarships offered through CTF
– Provides Checklist for School Counselors of what CTF requires

Blank Selection Committee Form →
– Must be updated and completed annually with names of those serving on each scholarship selection committee.

CTF Policy Forms →
– The Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Forms must be completed annually by each member on the selection committee.