Endow Maryland
State Tax Credit Program
Find out how giving back to Allegany & Garrett County with a $1,000 contribution may only cost you $750.
What is the “Endow Maryland” Tax Credit Program?
A Maryland state tax credit called “Endow Maryland” rewards donors who help build permanent charitable funds for local communities across the state – and right here in Allegany and Garrett Counties.

How it Works
The Endow Maryland tax credit applies to gifts of $500 or more for permanent endowed funds. These gifts will generate many times the initial value of the gift in benefit to the community.
Endow Maryland tax credits are available to donors who contribute to any of CTF’s Endowed Funds.
How You Can Apply
There are limited credits available, and they are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. The typical time frame of availability is January through June/July.
Tax credits are only available for new contributions so a grant from your donor advised fund or IRA charitable rollover would not be eligible. Contributions may be made in the form of a personal check or stock gift.
- Checks can be remitted to Community Trust Foundation. Write fund name on the memo line. See list for qualified funds or call us to confirm the fund qualifies.
- Stock gifts require a letter from the institution your stock is coming from. The letter should contain: date of donation, number of shares, name of shares, the prices (high, low, mean) of the shares for on the donation date.
Download, print, and complete the Donor and Foundation Acknowledgment Form (required annually.)
The Acknowledgement Form must be submitted at the time of donation or submitted within 30 days of donation. CTF must process the donation along with form to the Endow Maryland tax program department within 30 days of the donation date written on the check or stock letter.
Return the form to us by choosing one of the following:
- scan and email ctf@ctfinc.org
- drop off or mail to: Community Trust Foundation, 112 Baltimore St. Suite 201, Cumberland MD. Located in Gateway Building, 2nd Floor.
Note: two donations cannot be combined for tax credits. Each donation of $500 or more is processed separately.
Once your contribution is processed and approved, CTF will provide you with the necessary paperwork for your tax preparation purposes.
Endow Maryland
How to make a $1,000 donation cost only $750 without itemizing*
for Endow Maryland Tax Credit)
Net cost to you*
CTF has a limited amount of credits available, so contact us soon to make a donation. In addition to the 25% tax credit on your Maryland tax return, your donation may also be eligible as a charitable donation on your federal tax return.