Allegany County

Bridges to Opportunity

Bridges to Opportunity is a community wide, collaborative approach to enhance resources and promote opportunities to address poverty. 

The hands-on curriculum, “Getting Ahead in a Just-Getting-By World” helps people living in instability learn how to address challenging situations, build resources & skills and gain hope to create a new future story. Take a look at how a small CTF grant to assist with transportation and babysitting filled the gap for two participants in particular and made a life-changing difference.  

Give people in our community the chance to lead healthier, happier, more productive lives. Give to the Community Trust Foundation.

Imagination Library of Allegany County

It sounds almost too simple to be true, but by reading regularly with your children during the preschool years, you are giving them the biggest boost toward a successful education and life. Imagination Library of Allegany County is an early literacy initiative that provides new, age-appropriate books each month to children from birth to age five – FREE of charge. All families in Allegany County with children under the age of five are eligible to enroll in the program, regardless of household income.

We can prepare our kids for a lifetime of success in reading and learning simply by talking and sharing books together every day in the years before they start school!

Let’s Read Allegany County!

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is being offered in Allegany County through a collaboration with the Community Trust Foundation, The County United Way and other community partners. The program provides children up to 5 years old a brand new, age appropriate book each month in the mail.

Research indicates that the number of books in a child’s home has a direct correlation to the child’s school readiness. It also shows that children who aren’t reading at grade level by the 3rd grade are far more likely to remain behind in school, require remedial education, engage in anti-social behavior, or drop out of school. This program is

helping ensure our communities’ children will have brighter future. In just a few short years over 1600 Allegany County preschoolers have received more than 46,000 books.

Give people in our community the chance to lead healthier, happier, more productive lives. Give to the Community Trust Foundation.