Mineral County
Rambunctious Robotics Club
The Mineral County Extension Office 4-H STEM & Robotics Program is supported by a five year CTF grant that is designed to accomplish two sizeable tasks: 1. promote school success of children in preparation for STEM careers – those are Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math careers — and 2. develop student leaders. The Rambunctious Robotics Club is one product of this initiative and has provided fertile ground for the growth and development of future scientists, engineers, programmers and physicians.
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Energy Express
Energy Express is an award-winning, 8-week, summer reading and nutrition program for children living in West Virginia’s rural and low-income communities.
Approximately 3,000 children in throughout the state will maintain or gain reading skills through Energy Express this summer.
The program is designed to provide learning opportunities and nutrition during the summer months, when children are most at risk for falling behind on reading levels – a preventable loss known as the “summer slide.”
AmeriCorps Energy Express mentors make learning fun for small groups of school-age children by creating a safe, enriching environment focused on reading, writing, art and drama.
In addition to the learning activities, mentors eat nutritious, family-style meals with children, make family visits and complete a community service project.
Energy Express is a program under the leadership of WVU Extension Service’s 4-H Youth Development program. This AmeriCorps program is funded, in part, by grants from the West Virginia Department of Education and the Arts and Volunteer West Virginia. Volunteer West Virginia encourages West Virginians of all ages and abilities to be involved in service to their communities.
Based on the success of Energy Express, participants and the unique aspects of the program, the National Center for Summer Learning at Johns Hopkins University named Energy Express program one of the nation’s best summer learning programs in 2009.
Success stories like Energy Express rely on the support of the Community Trust Foundation. And the Community Trust Foundation can’t provide that support without people like you.
Give people in our community the chance to lead healthier, happier, more productive lives. Give to the Community Trust Foundation.